
Meet Celia Gray, host of the online talk show Lady on the Web, middle-aged Englishwoman, graphic designer, lacemaker, native of Cloudmere, alumna of Mme. Duhamel's, painter Imogen Bloom's girlhood chum, Professor Harkness' great friend, Lord Parkland's neighbor, sole heir of the Grays, always a lady. (More BOTS)

Interactive digital whiteboards are a very cool phenomenon. They are Java applets (mini-programs) which run within Java-enabled browsers. You can digitally draw or paint onscreen, alone and/or with others, chat and/or leave messages. My Websafe Times Groupboard is an interactive digital whiteboard with 360-pixel x 250-pixel canvas and websafe palette, chat room and message board.
(Disclaimer: All images and text submitted to the Websafe Times Groupboard become the property of Websafe Studio, and may be used in promotion or deleted at will by Websafe Studio. Websafe Studio is not liable for any harmful content submitted by others.)